Monday, December 21, 2009


Education is the process of teaching . It is a life long activity , which begins at birth and continues until a person's last day on earth. Education is such a vital instrument in the development of an individual and the society that it is cherished and fostered in every age and culture. Education can be formal , informal or non-formal. It can be traditional and indigenous, or modern and imported .

How ever , no matter the form it takes , education is the influence of one person , or a group of persons , on others. Incidentally , it is erroneous to assume that education is always the influence of the teacher on the students. And that it is a positive factor. Every teacher also learns from his student , and the interaction can produce negative consequences even if the the original motive was to ensure positive results. Education develops and cultivates character as well as the intellect. This is why during university convocation ceremonies; the graduands are presented for the award of degrees because they have been found worthy in character and learning.

Strategies and methods used in the educative process are many varied . This is why psychologists, philosophers and educationists advocate proper an adequate training for those seeking to become teachers . Such professional training is critical at the primary and secondary levels of education where teachers have to cope with young children and adolescents at a very impressionable stage of the development of their intellect and personality.

Education is much valued in society because it is a vehicle for imparting knowledge and skills . But the acquisition of concepts and techniques should not be an end in itself . The knowledge and skills must be put into practical in the solution of human problems, in decision-making , in rational , judgment, in administration of peace and justice. The successful accomplishment of the central task of education depends on a delicate balance and adjustment of many variable factors . Education is dealing with human beings whose minds continuously react to personal needs, societal expectations , material circumstances,and ever changing political economic realities.

Utilization of knowledge and skills,acquired through formal education in schools , colleges, polytechnics and universities is the central focus of this page. Education has the characteristics of a living organism . It is sensitive to time , location and other human and natural influences and pressures. Therefore , it is practically impossible to import or transfer experiences wholesale from one country to another or from one education system to another . This caution is necessary because of the temptation of imagining that a successful practice in a developed country will also work out well in a developing nation like Nigeria. I am by no means suggesting that educational experiences cannot be shared or tried out across international borders.

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