Monday, December 21, 2009


I didn't even read any articles before I chose this topic. I was an immature, idiotic, know it all, that got busted my senior year for ditching. Instead of informing my parents about my suspension, I decided to quit. "My Senior Year."
I missed out on my senior prom, my graduation, and all that went with the pride of working twelve long years for the diploma I never got. My boyfriend made me go and watch my whole senior class graduate without me.
That was the most irresponsible thing I've ever done, and I regret it to this day, and I'm 64 years old. If you want to work your tail off for pennies, than by all means, do what I did. If you want to amount to anything, do something with your life besides throw it away.
Sure, you can always go back to school later, but you'll never realize how difficult it is, until one of your grandchildren asks you to help them with a problem. School curriculum has changed that much. I tried to help my grandson with his homework, and I couldn't do it. Some of the other younger parents said the same thing. Things have become so much more advanced.
I've ask myself many times, why did I do it? What was I trying to prove? I'll never forget the hurt in my dad's eyes, when he found out what I had done. He told me, that if I was going to live at home, he'd be okay with that, but he was not going to support me while I sat on my butt doing nothing. He made me go find a job. and thats just what I did.
I started working as a waitress. My salary wasn't much, but he made me pay him ten dollars a month for room, and board. That was probably the best punishment he could have given me, I learned, that to survive, you either pull your own weight, or you sink.
I thought my life would get back to normal when I got married. I didn't have to work. I just had my children and was a stay at home mom. Problem was, dad wasn't the stay at home type, so we wound up in a very hurtful divorce. Now I was on my own with small children, and no education to speak of.
I got a break when I saw an ad in the paper for an On the job training class for nurses aids. I took it, passed it, and was hired on at the hospital in Greeley Colo, for $1.10 an hour. That's $8.80 a day. Needless to say, I worked as a nurses aid for 36 years, and I loved it. Sure, I never made big bucks, but I was happy doing what I did best. I loved learning more about medical information, and I loved caring for people.
If you think it's smart or cool to quit school, soon you'll grow up and face a whole different world where education is not only necessary, it's mandatory. Don't be foolish like I was. Do something with the life that God gave you. Make your family proud.

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